Open days stand out with print

Open days stand out with print

Open days and university events are a chance to attract some of the brightest young minds to your campus. Amidst the high traffic and general business of open days, you need to ensure you can stand out and leave a lasting impression on potential students.

One method of accomplishing this is to create signage and banners that attract students and increase inquiries. Another under-rated facet of this is to create directions and other handy information on discard-able posters that can act as sign-posts for the day and be taken down afterwards.

Bespoke printing services

Thanks to an increasingly digital era, having banners printed on demand is far easier than ever before. Companies such as Precision Printing offer services for businesses and organisations that can help students leave with a fantastic impression of your campus.

First and foremost, you can print small-scale maps of the campus which feature open day specific information on them. These can be packaged in targeted invitations sent out to students to help create a personalised feel and a lasting impression.

You can also have specific brochures and stand material printed, ideal for each course. A well put together package of information on each course will help students make the all-important decision of whether to study at your university or not.

Stands themselves can be adorned with large scale posters and other signage to help students identify the areas they want to visit. At each stand you should have clear information indicating what course is on offer as well as materials to hand to students.

To keep up with the digital age, you can also try out some cutting edge print techniques like image recognition and QR codes. These enable a student to scan your print material on their phone and be directed to a web-page, ideal for taking them from a brochure to your university’s social media or homepage. In an increasingly digital world, this is a great way to marry up your physical marketing efforts with online ones.


Follow-up material should be prepared for after the event itself. Thanks to contact forms and sign-ups, you should have collected a list of students who have opted in to learning more about your school or university. A package containing useful information about the city can boost a prospective student’s impression of you and make them more likely to choose your establishment over competitors. 

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